As well as our monthly meetings, the Ayrshire Astronomical Society has some special interest groups:
Solar Outreach Group
In September 2015, AAS set up a Solar Observing Group. All Members are invited to take part in the activities of the Group and observing will be undertaken using a wide variety of methods to make the activity as available as possible. The intention is to arrange activities so that Members may observe solo at their own location, or in group session using Hydrogen Alpha, White light or projection methods and then contribute to data collection and collation. The Group will be focused towards making meaningful observations for analysis by Members and also to collect data that can be submitted to the BAA Solar Section.
The overall objective of course is to HAVE FUN so do not be worried about your level of expertise just join in. If you are interested please contact the Group on the email address below and include in the email your level, observing method and any special interest so that a group demographic can be worked out.
Aurora Group
In February2015, The Aurora Group was set up to observe and image Aurora often seen in this part of the world. The Group is administered on Facebook Messenger. Members who would like to join should contact to be added to the group or contact Robin Scott the Group leader on our Facebook page