The following guides aim to help you get started in astronomy, and develop your skills.
A Short Primer on Binoculars
You can access the society's newsletters from 2013 onwards here
Coats Observatory, 49 Oakshaw Street West, Paisley, PA1 2DE
The Von Braun Astronomical Society, Huntsville, USA
UK Telescopes (Evergreen Optics), including Konus, Pentaflex, Kson, Celestron and Meade. Astronomical telescope and binocular website, official suppliers of Konus, Meade, Celestron and Sky Watcher.
Telescopeplanet, astronomical equipment supplier.
Free Monthy Starchart Download, for non commercial use only.
Mirror re-silvering and scientific mirror sales, 65 Barrett Road. Walthamstow, London, E17 9ET. Tel 020 8520 5353.
AstroMedia Shop, Cardboard kits of scientific instruments, models, gadgets, and optical components for experiments, education, and astronomy
A great source for kits of astronomical and scientific working models – Note that AAS Members can obtain a discount on purchases. Speak to your President for the Code
AAS Privacy Policy 2018
AAS Data Protection Policy 2018
AAS Membership Form
AAS Library Listing listing dated October 2018
The Kilmarnock Engineering Science Society (K.E.S.S.) lecture programme 2022-2023 is available here